顾此失彼 gùcǐ-shībǐ
[take one into consideration to the neglect of the other;attend to one thing and lose sight of another] 两者不能同时兼顾
钱粮输纳,必有定限,……限有定而百姓闲时办银,逢限上纳,无顾此失彼之虑。——清· 黄六鸿《钱谷比限》
英语 lit. to attend to one thing and lose sight of another (idiom), fig. to be unable to manage two or more things at once, cannot pay attention to one thing without neglecting the other
【示例】于是敌军处于一种恐怖气氛中,~,疲于奔命。 ◎冯玉祥《我的生活》第三十三章