唾面自干 tuòmiàn-zìgān
[drain the cup of humiliation;extreme obsequiousness as one who in spat on the face and let dry without wiping] 人家往自己脸上吐唾沫,不擦掉而让它自干。指受了侮辱,极度容忍,不加反抗,也指人不知羞耻
英语 to be spat on in the face and let it dry by itself, not wiping it off (idiom); to turn the other cheek, to drain the cup of humiliation
法语 (expr. idiom.) se faire cracher dessus et laisser le crachat sécher sans l'essuyer
【示例】若讲能够忍耐的,莫若本朝去世不久的娄师德了:他告诉兄弟,教他~。 ◎清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第三十八回